Nečas Center for Mathematical Modeling

We are grateful for their immense support to the RSJ Foundation
Rotation and Fluids
Summer School 2025, August 25 – 29
The problems of related to rotation and fluids can be found in many areas
of applications. Their mathematical modeling, experimental investigation and
numerical simulations are often using specific methods and tools. The aim of
this summer school is to present a comprehensive series of lectures on various
aspects of rotation and fluids and their role in mathematical analysis and
numerical simulation of different types of flows. The summer school is
organized as a multidisciplinary event with topics ranging from theoretical and
numerical mathematics up to physics and applications. The emphasize will be on
models related to topics originating in environmental, biomedical and industrial
applications. The summer course is prepared for graduate students, young
scientists, and other interested specialists. Besides of the course lectures,
the program will include a one day workshop (on Wednesday, August 27, 2025)
dedicated to short, more advanced lectures given by attending scientists.
Invited Speakers
- Claude Cambon – Ecole Centrale de Lyon, LMFA-CNRS, France
- David Gérard-Varet – Université Paris Cité, France
- Olivier Glass – Université Paris-Dauphine, France
- Toshiaki Hishida – Nagoya University, Japan
- Alexander Kurganov – Southern University of Science and Technology, China
- David Lannes – Université de Bordeaux, France
- Pavel Rudolf – Brno University of Technology, Czechia
The list of speakers is as of now incomplete, more invited speakers will appear soon.
Main Topics
- Rotating bodies in fluids
- Vortices and rotation in environmental flows
- Rotating machines – pumps, turbines
- Rotating wings – propellers, hellicopters
- Astronomical flows
- Vortex methods for CFD
- Vorticity & rotation in turbulence
Summer School courses
- Compact minicourses (typically 4 lectures by 50 minutes each) will be presented by the invited speakers (up to 28 lectures in total).
- The lectures will be scheduled in larger blocks within four full days (Monday August 25, Tuesday 26, Thursday 28, Friday 29).
Workshop presentations
- Workshop is organized on Wednesday, August 27, 2025.
- Shorter talks (up to 30 minutes), given by invited or contributing speakers
- Talks will be selected from the proposed contributions based on their quality and suitability with respect to the main topic of the summer course.
- Remaining presentation, including those of the students of the summer school, will be presented in the form of posters.
- All the young researchers profiting from the ERCOFTAC support will be obliged to present their own work (poster or talk) during the Workshop day.
The registration fee covers course materials and refreshment during the course breaks. The accommodation and travel expenses are not covered.
Early | Late | ERCOFTAC | Online | |
Student fee (whole course & workshop) | 370 € | 430 € | 295 € | 80 € |
Full regular fee (whole course & workshop) | 450 € | 500 € | 360 € | 90 € |
Limited fee (workshop only) | 200 € | 250 € | 160 € | 80 € |
The registration is considered Early if made before July 31, 2025!
ERCOFTAC fees are available to ERCOFTAC members and member organizations employees.
The registration fee should be paid preferably by a bank transfer to the following account:
IBAN: CZ66 2010 0000 0028 0031 3629
Bank Name: Fio banka a.s.
Bank Address: Millennium Plaza, V Celnici 10, 117 21 Praha 1
Account Holder: Mel Ynis s.r.o.
Variable Symbol: (will be assigned to each participant during registration)
Mel Ynis agency is our selected partner handling non-scientific parts of the Summer School organization.
Participants from the Czech Republic may pay the registration fee directly in Czech Crowns (CZK). Payment details in such case are the following:
Account No.: 2600230984
Bank code: 2010
Bank Name: Fio banka a.s.
Variable Symbol: (will be assigned to each participant during registration)
| Early | Late | ERCOFTAC | Online |
Student fee (whole course & workshop) | 9600 CZK | 11200 CZK | 7700 CZK | 2100 CZK |
Full regular fee (whole course & workshop) | 11700 CZK | 13000 CZK | 9400 CZK | 2400 CZK |
Limited fee (workshop only) | 5200 CZK | 6500 CZK | 4200 CZK | 2100 CZK |
For other forms of payment please contact the organizers.
Support for students and young scientists

Few grants will be available for students and young scientists thanks to support provided by ERCOFTAC. Please only ask for this support if you can not attend the Summer School without it and have no other funds to use. Depending on the number of applicants the exact amount of support will be announced after the application deadline. All grants will cover at least the registration fee.
A formal application, containing short CV, motivation letter and recommendation letter, should be sent to the organizers via email scientific@prague-sum.com before July 31, 2025. Grant applications will be reviewed and grants awarded in the shortest possible time after application delivery in the ‘first come, first served’ manner up to the funds available. We encourage those interested to register and apply early.
Those participants who will benefit from the support will be asked to present a poster introducing their original scientific work.
Important note: Please note that the applicants should NOT pay the registration fee until their application is decided upon. In case the application is declined, standard Early registration fee will be charged .
Summer School Venue
The whole course and workshop will be held at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic.
Institute of Mathematics, AS CR
Žitná 25
CZ – 115 67 Praha 1
Czech Republic
If you are obliged to obtain visa for your travel to Czech Republic we are ready to help you by supplying Letter of Invitation issued by one of the organizing institutions. Please refer to the Download section to find the invitation letter form. Email the completed form to support@prague-sum.com and we will have it signed and sent back to you. Please note that you will need to consult your local Embsassy of the Czech Republic for the up-to-date information concerning all the visa application requirements.
Organizing Committee
Šárka Nečasová | Tomáš Bodnár | Giovanni Paolo Galdi |
Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Rep. | Czech Technical University in Prague, ERCOFTAC PC Czech Rep. | University of Pittsburgh, USA |
matus@math.cas.cz | Tomas.Bodnar@fs.cvut.cz | galdi@pitt.edu |